Daatje as a yearling after her first body clip. :) These photos were taken by future husband, Jake.
OMG, I had blonde hair! And so young....both of us. Look at the look in her eyes. That is the Daatje look. So smug and entitled. She earned the nickname "The Friesian Princess" and this look is one of the reasons why!
Enjoying a good back-scrubby. She loves back scrubbies. :)
Here we are, practicing her work in-hand. We were planning on attending a few "horse colts and fillies" classes to get her exposed to the horse show environment and in order to do that, she had to handle well.
Taking a break.
I still can't get over the blond hair. I was teaching riding lessons to the daughter of a hair dresser and she would color/streak my hair for me for nothing. Absolutely killed my fine hair, but it was fun while it lasted! :) I think if I did that now, my hair would fall out. :) One of these days I'll post how I dye my hair these days. Henna and Indigo baby, Henna and Indigo. :)
Nice to see these beautiful photographs of Horse. Astrolika