I don't have an indoor, heck, I don't even have a riding arena of any kind! All I've ever had is a rolling field that the neighbors have been so kind to let me ride on all these years. So, as you can imagine, the winter months are kind of slow for Daatje and I. From December to May we are relegated to hacking on the road and hitting the trails.
It isn't until about now that the field is firm enough to start using it again.....and this means we must brush up on our work over fences.
I love jumping. Love it so much that I've contemplated selling Daatje time after time because she's not the skilled and passionate jumper that I so long for. But she tries, and is pretty solid over the smaller stuff.
Daatje jumps as well as I could hope any Friesian would. She seems to enjoy it...and gets very excited when we're out in the field and I have the jumps set up. We're just limited to staying under 3'.....that's pretty much her max and I don't like to push her that far very often. She's quite comfortable with 2'6", so that's what we practice with the majority of the time.
So, May is here, the hunter paces are beginning......only three months to go to get fit for foxhunting.....and we're jumping again!
she looks great!