Having been sick all last week, I didn't have the opportunity to try out the new bit ahead of the next hunt, so we did the test ride in first field at a foxhunt. :P
I tweeked it a little bit after fitting it to her Friday night adding bit guards to prevent pinching (she has fleshy lips and the mouth piece slides up and down the shank a bit) and wrapping the mouth once in Sealtex so she wouldn't pull back when bridling/unbridling as the bit passes by her incisors. (she has never liked the "clink" of metal on her front teeth)
I think it was a success. I had more response from just the snaffle rein in this bit than both the curb and snaffle combined with the mullen pelham. I did use the curb on a couple of occasions, and that too was met with a quiet, responsive horse. We'll see how things continue on from here, but I think we're good. :)
The result of eating a sour apple. :) |
The hunt had some fast moments, and was long at just shy of 9 miles. We crossed the river, slogged through mud (I had to give her a bath when we got home!) and flew through some breathtaking fields. The hounds were amazing to watch and hear. Three hours is a long time in the saddle......I'm still sore. :P After the hunt, the MFH and Huntsman led a hunt clinic, which was very informative, and gave us a tour of the kennels. Fascinating, to see the hounds in their "relaxed state", lounging on their bunk beds after a long run. They seem bigger on foot than from the back of a horse! Beautiful animals, just lovely.
Betcha can't catch me! |
Beautiful eyes on this young hound. |
Whipper-in guiding an errant hound. |
Hacking down the powerlines. There was a crab apple tree loaded with apples! I grabbed one as we rode past and fed it to her at stirrup cup. :) |
River crossing |
MFH and Huntsman |
Blowing the horn |
Muddy boots! (imagine how gross my tack and horse were!) |
The Norfolk Hunter Pace at Westport was postponed until next Sunday due to rain so I won't be able to go. I'd planned on attending the Deerfield Fair with hubby that day. The Deerfield Fair is a favorite of mine, I wouldn't miss it for the world! So, next Saturday is the Blessing of the Hounds, opening meet and beginning of the formal season. Can you believe it? Where has the time gone? :o