Not much going on lately. I've been riding a bit after work, which is nice. I forgot how much fun she was to ride out in the field. My new jumping saddle came in, I can't wait to try it out! It's a
Sensation G4 Jump and simply the coolest saddle ever. Once I finish the custom pad that will support underneath it, I'll be back in business for gallop work and work over fences. :) Just in time for the first hunter pace on the 15th of May! But for now, all I have to share are photos I took from trimming the girl's hooves this morning. I've been trying to keep our guys on a 6-7 week schedule marked on my calendar so I don't forget and today was the day. :) I did the minis first and then it was Daatje's turn. Here are some before and after photos:
Here are her fronts from the side, heel and bottom. You can still see the nail holes from the shoes she wore last fall, that were pulled the end of Nov, 2010.
I knew she toed out a little, but wow, it really shows in this photo! (she paddles too...)

Right front pre-trim

Left front pre-trim

Left hind pre-trim

Right hind pre-trim
Not much to trim really, after 7 weeks. Some ratty frog and longish bars, but that's about it. Here are shots of her after trimming:
Right front

Left front

Left hind

Right hind

And a morning of trmming hooves wouldnl't be complete unless Puppy was under hoof, looking for tidbits. :)